Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

Don't know how to start? Here are two simple things you can do.

1) Tune in and create peace

This processes is very simple. It is all about creating peace in your heart (which is the only place we can truly make a change).

Step 1: Tune in to place that need peace
To tune in all you have to do is simply pay very close attention to something. You can choose a relationship, a place or a person. Once you have picked something to tune into to, take a few calming deep breathes and place your attention on what you are tuning in to. Here are examples:
  • Relationship: Tune into a relationship. It can be between you and someone else or it can be between two other people. Just think about the people involved and the nature of the relationship. Don't think about things you can do to fix things. Just think of the people involved and pay attention to whatever emotion arise in you.
  • Place: Choose a place. It could be the room you are sitting in, your car, or so far off place. Again just put all your attention on this place. Pay attention to the emotions and thoughts that arise in you as you think of this place.
  • Person: Choose a person. They could be someone you know well or they could be someone you never met. Just tune into them. Connect with them in some way. Don't think of what you can do to fix or change them. Just pay attention to was arise in you.
Step 2: Own your emotions
Everything that arises inside of you is yours. Even when you are thinking of someone, something, or some place else. As you did step one, every emotion you felt was your, it was not of what you were focusing on. These are your emotions. Own them.

Step 3: Clean on your emotions
Use a tool like EFT to clean these emotions. If you don't know how to do EFT, you can learn it at EFT Q & A

Step 4: Take action
Pay attention to the inspiration that has come during this time and act. I believe we get inspiration at the time we are supposed to receive it. We do not receive inspiration at 8am on a Tuesday to take action at 4pm on a Thursday. There is a reason we receive inspiration when we receive it. Take action as a peacemaker. The actions you are inspired to might have nothing to do with what you were just thinking about. It doesn't matter. Become a peacemaker now in your life.

2) See/feel the world you want

Step 1: Choose a place you would like to see peace
Pick any place in the world. A relationship between friends, you neighborhood, or a war torn country thousands miles away.

Step 2: See/Feel the outcome you hope for
Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Give yourself over completely visioning what you would like to see in the place. Don't just see it in your minds eye, but get all your senses involved. How does your body feel in this place? What do you hear and smell? Make the vision come alive.

It is important that your vision is not of what you don't want, but instead of what you do want. Don't think of a war torn country and all the horrors they are experiencing. Instead see safe streets with friends meeting to hugs and kisses of friendship. See children running and playing in the street. Live the outcome you want to see.

Step 3: Let go
When you are done, take one last long deep breath of enjoyment of this vision you have created. Then let the vision go. Don't dwell on it. Don't lament it hasn't come to pass. Just let it go.

Step 4: Take action
Pay attention to the inspiration that has come during this time and act. I believe we get inspiration at the time we are supposed to receive it. We do not receive inspiration at 8am on a Tuesday to take action at 4pm on a Thursday. There is a reason we receive inspiration when we receive it. Take action as a peacemaker. The actions you are inspired to might have nothing to do with what you were just thinking about. It doesn't matter. Become a peacemaker now in your life.

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